





Key words: Religious experience, Hermeneutics, Comparative religion, Mysticism, Structure, Spirituality

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This paper is “ qualitative research ”, discusses the different religious Spirituality and individual religious experience, carries on the historical phenomenology method and the analysis induction obtains “the values of Duo-Monism”.Combs the One Life within us and Nature in Confucianism, the Buddhist's road of extrication, Taoism's life spirituality, Catholicism's redeem on the Revelation Theology. Reconsidering between the modern religion and the science conflict and the balance.   

The different Religious Spirituality, the discrimination is five kinds: As soon as (1) th, the Duo-Monism of Catholicism discussion.(2) th, Taoism’s Duo-Monism discussion.(3) th, a Buddhism esoteric sect heart namely discussion.As soon as (4) th, the religion and the science - Duo-Monism discussion (5) th, the individual religious experience discussion.Each different religious Spirituality has the obXXXXXjective development factor respectively.  
 Repairs “the values of Duo-Monism” under the influence, has produced four to change: One is the life significance affirmation.Two is individual potential display.As soon as three is the value of Duo-Monism response in the creation.Finally achieved the body and mind is calm.   
Meanwhile “Duo-Monism” found idealist “creates the commentaries of the age” with materialistic “the theory of evolution” the between harmony, the recollection spirit repairs the process the psychological intrinsic change and under the thought behavior conformity, attempts to propose the ultimate concern core value.